Uncovered Myths always had a fascination with history, science, and social science. Too many questions have long forgotten answers. Perhaps, new answers will be uncovered in the future, through studies of the past.
These novels and novellas hope to being the past, present, and future, alive in the minds of the reader through the eyes of characters who would rather not be alive in the time they are.
These novels and novellas, while adventures, are written in a more classical style, without extreme action, romance, or violence.
Characters think before they act.
Sometimes, this leads to trouble.
About Uncovered Myths
Uncovers hidden and forgotten lives derailed by trauma.
Uncovering the Cracks in the Walls of abuse to prevent Shadows in the Mirror for future generations.
Discovering life secrets through nonfiction and finding self fiction.
Logging My Life while adjusting to A Bend in the Future to avoid future Kin Strife.
Explore the universe while finding self and home.
Uncover societal and science myths through Galataria's Echoes, Concurrent Earths, and the Trails Series.
Artificial Intelligence Statement
As a deafblind, autistic, arthritic, and potentially dyslexic, author I do use:
Grammar check,
Spell check,
Online dictionary
Occasionally (On my Mac):
Pages on my Mac computer.
I should be using a screenreader and braille display, if I could retain the complicated directions.
I have used VoiceOver (unsuccessfully),
Over a decade ago attempted to use JAWS.
Over a decade ago, I also unsuccessfully attempted to use Dragon dictation. It offered to uninstall Windows!
In the past, I have used:
For research, I currently use :
Duck, Duck, Go,
(pre 2023) Bing,
(pre 2023) Google
Personally, I do not have a problem with people using assistive technology to transcribe and share the word trains in their brains.
Some assistive technology that I do not use include switches, and other personalized and specialized equipment.
Use of these tools should not be held against authors, as these authors often have to work three or four times as hard while using these tools, as able bodied people do without them.