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Pit Miners by Gail Brown

050422 Trails Pit Miners Ebook Tales and Mines

The middens of the ancestors slowly empty. The last few usable pieces are found.

Only a generation since KlaPit mine was abandoned, the new mine at Shells is almost empty.

Buried dangers emerge from the bottoms of the pit mines.

Forgotten fears told as campfire tales emerge in their spectral forms.

Rusty worries her life skill is at an end. She has no other interest, than being the dig leader following Zella.

Ambrena feels threatened that her life skill will be less valued as Tanna's daughters grow up. Every mistake is magnified as if it were life threatening.

Corandra fears her ancestors have cursed her. Corandra knows they don't want her. Everything she touches crumbles. The box she found spreads a devastating illness. She abandons her villa for a cure.

Corandra feels abandoned by her older friends, Ambrena and Rusty, as they embrace their life skills. The only person who notices her anymore is her verbal sparring partner, Henry. Or so she thinks.

Will Corandra forgive herself? Will she allow others to forgive her for the damage her ancestors committed? When she has to choose between saving Ambrena and Rusty, or saving Henry, how will she decide? What will that decision mean to the future of the Pit Miners?

Will Ambrena and Rusty find the cure they so desperately seek? Is it even what they think it is? Will the battle in the Grass Sea lead to peace, or the forgotten specter of war?

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Ebook $2.99


Trails: Pit Miners - Tales $14.99

41 Chapters

81,000 Words

6 X 9 - Arial Size 12 - 261 pages


ISBN: 979-8818615950

Trails: Pit Miners - Mines $14.99

41 Chapters

82,000 Words

6 X 9 - Arial Size 12 - 267 pages


ISBN: 979-8818615974

Trails: Pit Miners is also available on:

Indie Story Geek

Internet Archive and Open Library.

Or, you can download the Epub and PDF below.


     Characters within Trails: Pit Miners

Trails 3: Trails Through the Tales

A Amber (Goddess), Adrian, Ambrena (Shells child)

B Brix (Shims hunter), Blake (Webbel Leader), Betty (cow)

C Calen (Webbel), Corandra (infant), Cealya (Webbel scout), Cherie (Tuttle)

D Dover (Shims Main), Drea (Alma Gardner), Dan (Nala's scout)

E Erin (Lava sheepherder), Emory (Rusty's dad)

F Fran, Fendon, (Jolin's misled cousin)

G Glenna (Almond young girl), Gel (Lava Female hunter)

H Haro (Lava hunter), Henry (Rusty's brother)

I Ida (Cama Shims hunter), Irvin (Tuttle Leader)

J Jorn (Lava Leader), Jana (infant), Janel (infant) cradleboard, Jesna (cloth)

K Kol (Tanna's Dog), Kleal (Lava hunter), Kafa (Lake Goddess)

L Logan (Tanna's Dog), Linda (Rusty's mom)

M Marin (female Almond leader), Monrol (Roz's husband)

N Naom (Tanna's Dog), Nala (Tuttle)

O Orid, Orm (Webbel leader, bad guy), Odalen (Uden's Mom)

P Pandy (dies in pit 3), Prina (cloth)

Q Quan (Shims Leader)

R Robin (Shims Main), Rusty (Shells)

S Sharel (Almond), Sandy (Grandmother's horse)

T Tanna (Main, Lava), Trapper (Shells voice)

U Uden (Nursing mother)

Vira (Tuttle), Varl (Almond)

W Wenda (Shims hunter) Wale (Shims hunter)


Y Yola (Shells), Yananda (Almond young girl)

Z Zella (Main Lava)

Trails 4: Trails Through the Mines

​A Amber (Goddess), Adrian, Ambrena (16 Shells child)

B Brix (Shims male hunter), Blake (Webbel Leader), Betty (cow), Brael (Brix's sister, took Dover's place)

C Calen (Webbel), Corandra (10), Cealya (Webbel scout), Cherie (Tuttle)

D Dover (former Shims), Drea (Alma Gardner), Dan (Nala's scout)

E Erin (Lava sheepherder), Emory (Rusty's dad,) Ellie (Corandra's camel)

F Fran, Fendon (Jolin's misled cousin), Falena (Zella's sister)

G Glenna (Almond young girl), Gel (Lava Female hunter), Garn (7 Tanna and Robin's boy)

H Haro (Lava hunter), Henry (Rusty's brother 10)

I Ida (Cama Shims hunter), Irvin (Tuttle Leader), Imel (male with Rusty at Klapit, was a wanderer taken in by Almond)

J Jorn (Lava Leader), Jana (infant), Janel (infant) cradleboard, Jesna (cloth), Jasey (Mute Shims boy, six or seven years old.)

K Kol (Tanna's Dog), Kleal (Lava hunter), Kafa (Lake Goddess), Kees - raiders.

L Logan (Tanna's Dog), Linda (Rusty's mom), Leza (replaces Calen as Webbel Leader)

M Marin (female Almond leader), Monrol (Roz's husband), Myrya (with Rusty at Klapit Does not remember Klapit was there, Marken (Kees good guy)

N Naom (Tanna's Dog), Nala (Tuttle), Nin (female with Rusty at Klapit Remembers Klapit)

O Orid was (Jolin Webbel leader, bad guy), Ola (Tanna and Robin's infant daughter), Odalen (Uden's mom)

P Pandy (dies in pit 3), Prina (cloth), Pamma (4 Tanna and Robin's daughter)

Q Quan (Shims Leader), Quibble (teen from Webbel)

R Robin (former Shims), Rusty (17 Shells)

S Sharel (Almond), Sandy (Grandmother's horse), Shara (Uden, Treny's 4 year old daughter)

T Tanna (Lava), Trapper (Shells voice)

U Uden (Nursing mother)

V Vira (Tuttle dig leader), Varl (was Rawl Almond dig leader), Vendon (Kees leader)

W Wenda (was Shel Shims hunter), Wale (Shims hunter), Wit (Uden, Treny's 1 year old)

X Xile (Kees waver)

Y Yola (Shells), Yananda (Almond young girl), Yall (Kees girl, Vendon's sister)

Z Zella (Lava), Zande (Glenna's toddler son)

Quotes from Trails: Pit Miners

"Ambrena wanted to hug Shara. Her eyes showed the same ache for belonging and feeling secure in her place that Ambrena had felt for as long as she could remember. She reached out and touched the younger girl's arm. "Shara, you will always be welcome to find me."

Calen: "Out of the pit, into death for us all, if we don't do it right. Those roamers may be back with water and food for them soon."

Corandra: "Why had the ancients had talking boxes? There had been so many people, they could never have met them all, or heard all the stories they had to share."

Corandra: "Would her sponsor's spirit be in the lake? Perhaps that was why she had such a bad temper, because of who he was. He was here, influencing her, knowing she was his child. Maybe, if she found Uden and Fendon, they would tell her it wasn't true. Or, if Jorn were still alive and with them, maybe he could help her. Where were they, anyway?

Fourth Gen Grandmother: The woman smiled as she pulled his (the grandfather's) head down to her lap. "So do I. The young hear the tales, and occasionally chose the wrong person as their hero. Occasionally, the evil ones are so embellished the listeners are confused. They must re-live the wars of gens past. If for nothing more than to keep the specter of war, and its consequences, ever present in the memory of the living."

Jorn:  "They had to wait for peace, because they were afraid of it. They didn't know peace. Like us, they wanted life to stay as they knew it, only better."

Robin: "Few people do. Sadly, it's those who do want enemies who create enemies for everyone."

Rusty: "I'm not fixing your problems. You are almost an adult now. Don't run away from your life. You need me, and the whole villa, as much as we need you."

"Maybe nowhere," Tanna said. "One of the tales of the ancestors, is about when no one felt safe anywhere. When you didn't know who your friends were, or your enemies."

Zella: "Of course not. Your own fear and pain was hurting you so much, it was hurting everyone around you. I hoped the trip would be good for you. I had no idea what would happen."


Cover Credits for Trails: Pit Miners

(Ebook) Trails: Pit Miners

Front Cover: Desert scene with a single cactus plant, a dead tree, cracked earth, and dark clouds.  By kalhh on Pixabay



Title - My Fault - 50 - Black

Subtitle - My Fault 28

Author - My Fault - 24

Text color - Orange 4

(Print) Pit Miners - Tales 

Front Cover: Desert scene with a single cactus plant, a dead tree, cracked earth, and dark clouds.  By kalhh on Pixabay



Title - My Fault - 50 - Black

Subtitle - My Fault 28

Author - My Fault - 24

Spine and Back Cover - Arial Rounded MT Bold 14

Text color - Orange 4


Back Cover: Desert scene with a rusted car, and dark clouds.  By kalhh on Pixabay

(Print) Trails: Pit Miners - Mines 

Front Cover: Desert scene with a rusted car, and dark clouds.  By kalhh on Pixabay


Title - My Fault - 50 - Black

Subtitle - My Fault 28

Author - My Fault - 24

Spine and Back Cover - Arial Rounded MT Bold 14

Text color - Orange 4


Back Cover: Desert scene with a single cactus plant, a dead tree, cracked earth, and dark clouds.  By kalhh on Pixabay

(Ebook) Published by Gail Brown as Trails: Pit Miners on October 11, 2021

(Print) Published by Gail Brown as Trails: Pit Miners - Tales  on May 5, 2022

(Print) Published by Gail Brown as Trails: Pit Miners - Mines on May 5 2022

(Ebook) Previously published by April D Brown as Trails: Pit Miners

(Print) Previously published by April D Brown as Trails: Tales and Trails Through the Tales

(Print) Previously published by April D Brown as Trails: Mines and Trails Through the Garbage Mines

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