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Trails: First Generation by Gail Brown

Ebook Large Trails First Generation

A devastating cascade of earthquakes strike New Mexico's forgotten fault lines.

Quakes spread across the continent.

Fumeroles emerge in unknown hotspots.

The Earth shakes and begins the process of opening the Rio Sea, where once, in prehistory, a great ocean thrived.

Oceans heave as the Ring of Fire bursts with increased activity.

Continental plates shift, rip apart, and bounce against each other.

Oceans heave as the Ring of Fire bursts with increased activity.

Disaster builds on disaster.

Continental plates shift, rip apart, and bounce into each other.

Everyone thought Arizona and New Mexico would be forever safe from earthquakes, volcanoes, and shifting water tables.

Only, they aren't.

As the continental plates shift, so do the lives of Amber and Alex as they struggle to find firm ground in the altered landscape.

Aftershocks spread through the land, changing communities, forcing most to flee for their lives.

The world as Amber and Alex knew crumbles around them.

Family and friends missing.

Communication relays fail.

There is no power, or phone service, with remaining fuel reserved for military missions.

Society as they knew it, teeters on the brink of collapse.

Established communities melt apart, as walls between human population groups soar.

Men, women, and cultures clash as if they had never learned to live together in peace.

Together, survivors must build a future in a tangled environment of fear, hunger, cold, and desolation.

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Ebook Price: $2.99


Trails: First Generation - Fault Lines $14.99

42 Chapters

84,700 Words

6 X 9 - Arial Size 12 - 265 pages


ISBN: 979-8817013511

Trails: First Generation - Volcano $14.99

41 Chapters

82,500 words

6 X 9 - Arial Size 12 - 257 pages


ISBN: 979-8817023718

Characters of Trails: First Generation


A - Alex, Amber, Adora (Corbo's mom), Amy, 18 (Dena's niece, not mentioned), Anna (Corbo's Aunt),


B - Brandon (Amber's step father), Blair (Soldier who drives Yanda to Phoenix zoo), Brant, 40 (Dena's brother, not mentioned),


C - Corbo, Champ (Wendy's silent friend), Chad (Heavy metal band leader), Carly (childcare at Vance air force base), Calvin (Webb City leader), Chris, 16 (Dena's nephew, not mentioned), Clive (Dena's relation, not mentioned), Claire (Amber's Mom)   Claire (Dena's relative, not mentioned)


D - Dena (Fibromyalgia ranch owner), Danny  (Dean's 5 year old son), Diana, 20 (Dena's niece, at Tinker Air Force Base), Desi (Corbo's cousin) Don, 48 (Dena's brother, not mentioned)


E -  Eduardo (Corbo's father), Ellie (Kelly's baby), Corporal Eagle Eye (Navajo Army Depot, Arizona), Colonel Rogers (Camp Florence, Arizona), Dr. Evan (Dr. Rebecca's significant other)


F - Fanny (chatter in Tuba City, Fred (Fanny's husband)


G - Master Sergeant Griff (Enid, Vance Air Force Base), Gina (pilot, amber and Alex went to her wedding), George (Dena's husband), Chaplain Greg (Immigration Detention Center, Arizona)  Goldie (Dena's dog)


H - Harvey (caretaker at Out of Africa, Arizona), Henny (Drummer Truck driver)


I -  Ida (clerk at Immigration Detention Center), Inno (Corbo's cousin)


J - Joe, Jerry (lesbian biker, metal band), Jax (gay driver for Paule at Fort Sill), Josie (Livia's dead best friend), Jon (Corbo's uncle), John (soldier at Wildlife World), Joanie (Dena's mother not mentioned), Jill, 45 (Dena's sister, not mentioned), James, 23 (Dena's nephew, marries Gina)  Jen (Co-driver through Meers Fault)  Jonny (hurt in raid at Immigration Camp)


K - Karen (Amber's best frend), Kelly (pregnant soldier) Kestrel (Native American and unknown Corbo's cousin) Kelly (Dena's relative, not mentioned), Kara (Dena's sister in law, not mentioned), Kale (Dena's relative, not mentioned)


L - Livia, Leona (Eduardo's aunt, Kestrel's mother), Lindon, 20 (Dena's nephew), Lizzy (Dena's actress sister in law, not mentioned), Leanardo  (The name Corbo's father, Eduardo is going by now)


M - Mary (18, Chad's girlfriend, daughter of Sharon and Ralph), Monty (driver to El Reno), Miggy (Corbo's cousin)


N - General Nord, Naomi (Dena's daughter, 7, not mentioned), Nathan (Livia's dead best friend), Nan  (soldier at Wildlife World)


O - Olen (General Nord's son)


P - Corporal Puma (Driver to Fort Sill)


Q - Quinn  (Caretaker at Wildlife World)


R - Dr. Rebecca, Ralph (Mary's father), Ron (Amber's Driver through Meers Fault), Ryan (guitar trucker at Webb City), Rodney

(Dena's brother in law, not mentioned), Remmy (Dena's relative, not mentioned), Rocky (Dena's relative, not mentioned)


S - Stanley, Mr. Spike, Sharon, 22 (Dena's niece), Sophie Dena's niece, actress daughter), Shane (Dena's relative, not mentioned), Shim  (Dena's relative, not mentioned)  Colonel Rogers (Camp Florence, Arizona - Army Base)


T - Tom (Alex's best friend), Tam Trina (Children's caretaker at Fort Sill), Trax (gay driver for Alex at Fort Sill), Tracey (Nurse at Dover), Tangle (Ranger at Cameroon, Arizona), Tom (Dena's brother in law not mentioned), Tammy (Dena's niece, not mentioned), Trix, 43 (Dena's sister, not mentioned), Tran (Dena's Chinese relative, not mentioned), Tan (Dena's Chinese relative, not mentioned)

U -


V - Valerie (caretaker at Out of Africa, Arizona), Vivie (Dena's niece, actress daughter), Varanda (General Nord's wife)


W - Windy (fried of Champ)

X -

Y - Yam (Dena's Chinese relative, not mentioned), Yanda (gun woman leader who goes back to Phoenix Zoo with Blair)


Z - Zooney  (Leader at Tuba City)

Quotes from Trails: First Generation

Alex:  "It's funny how much everyone tries to avoid hurting others. They hurt them more by doing so."

A tear glistened in her eyes. Amber shook her head. "She has the knowledge. Karen won't travel, and defiantly not without Jerry. She wants to be 'normal.' I know it's her choice."

Amber sighed. For some reason, she didn’t want to work. Before, fieldwork had been exciting, to study things from long ago, and think of how they had affected the present, and potentially the future. Now, she was in the middle of events as they happened, and it wasn't fun. It was scary.

"Or worse," Amber's mom said. "They could be strong enough to rupture the Rio Grande fault more, pushing New Mexico further one way, or the other."

"Oh sure," Alex turned to her. "Reading, seeing pictures, and even video isn't the same as being there. The noxious, deadly odors of the various gasses are missing. Dried lava beds, some rough as a sponge, others smooth and slippery under your feet. Pictures don't let you see and appreciate the depth, and beauty of what's left of the volcano. The local's tales of their homes being swallowed by lava are all second hand. I couldn't ask the locals questions that mom or dad didn't ask for me. Maybe they would have told me something that my parents missed, or didn't think to ask."

Alex's Dad: "I can't. This is the chance of a lifetime. I'll leave a record. Maybe your grandchildren will find it buried in the ash."

Dr. Evan nodded. "People become scared and dangerous when the ground moves, and the power goes out. A stick, or almost anything, could become a weapon for, or against us. We may need protection soon, if things don't improve. The communities are beginning to take notice of the quakes." He started the vehicle.

General Nord faced him. "Young man, don't argue with me. I have lived my life. If I die in this event, I die. You are a young adult, with many years ahead of you, if you survive. The future will need young men like you and Corbo. Bright, intelligent, and those who know where the secrets are. You may have to find them. I am sending you to the Colorado team. Satellite communications will allow you to continue your work with Dr. Rebecca."

"Not to mention the loss of livestock and crops. Can you imagine going back to candles and fireplaces? Most people don't have the patience, or the skills to use them to heat, cook, or read by. If they even have one." Dr. Rebecca said.

"Shame is a terrible game," Dr. Rebecca said. "It makes people do strange things. Shame, fear, and politics all do."

"Not now it wouldn't," Tom said. "Generations ago, natives built their homes out of renewable resources. Those trees, grasses, and other materials wouldn't destroy the environment if knocked down in a hurricane or tsunami. Homes could quickly and easily be replaced by the community. If all those concrete buildings were knocked down, the mess has nowhere to go. The metal and concrete would rip out far more vegetation, and kill more people than waves alone."

Windy:  "Aren't we all mixed up on trails we don't wish to be on. Go on."

Windy: "I wouldn't exist. My ancestors belong to many tribes that would never have met. Some were at war with one another, before being forced to live on the same reservation."

Windy turned from the fence, and peered through the darkness toward the forming volcanoes. "We want our lands back to try to heal them, or live with them the way they are now. Take your young friend, and go somewhere safe. Far away from here, if you want to live. It isn't safe when the Earth vomits, twists, and turns, as she lays down new skin."

Cover Credits for Trails: First Generation

Trails: First Generation Ebook Cover

Cover: Volcano.

Photo -  By sasint From Pixabay



Title - Direction and Distro - 60 - Black

Subtitle and Author - Distro 24

Text: Arial Rounded MT Bold 14

Font Color - Black or Beige (250, 221,191, or FADDBF) with black or beige (250, 221,191, or FADDBF) shadow.

Trails: First Generation - Fault Lines Print Cover

Front Cover: Volcano.

Photo -  By sasint From Pixabay



Title - Direction and Distro - 60 - Black

Subtitle and Author - Distro 24

Text: Arial Rounded MT Bold 14

Font Color - Black or Beige (250, 221,191, or FADDBF) with black or beige (250, 221,191, or FADDBF) shadow.

Trails: First Generation - Volcano Print Cover

Front Cover: Volcano.

Photo -  By sasint From Pixabay



Title - Direction and Distro - 60 - Black

Subtitle and Author - Distro 24

Text: Arial Rounded MT Bold 14

Font Color - Black or Beige (250, 221,191, or FADDBF) with black or beige (250, 221,191, or FADDBF) shadow.


(Ebook) Published by Gail Brown as Trails: First Generation on October 11, 2021

(Print) Published by Gail Brown as Trails: First Generation - Fault Lines on April 30, 2022

(Print) Published by Gail Brown as Trails: First Generation - Volcano on April 30 2022

(Ebook) Previously published by April D Brown as Trails: First Generation

(Print) Previously published by April D Brown as Trails: Fault Lines and Trails Through the Fault Lines

(Print) Previously published by April D Brown as Trails: Volcano and Trails Through the Volcano

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