Gail Brown
Gail Brown writes paired science fiction internal journey stories and novels full of hopes and dreams. She found science fiction brings hope and light through worlds of colorful dreams. It mirrors daily life as it could be. Perhaps should be, in some ways. Worlds where disability is accepted, and people live their lives without overwork and fear.
She found fiction and science fiction bring hope and light to a world of colorful dreams. A world where disability was accepted, people lived their lives without overwork and fear.
Concurrent Earths is collection containing 40 short stories of Earth, or almost Earth, that may, or may not, exist.
These stories reach to us across the stars. They share a thought, a dream, or a hope. Stories that touch the heart and soul.
Whether a single individual, a community, or a society, each story delves into specific situations, and how they might benefit society.
Or, how they might go wrong.
Very wrong.
Galataria survived the Devolution War generations ago. The human population saved the planet. Now they too are on the brink of extinction.
Memories of a war they have never seen cross the dimensional boundary to Kalara and Leonard.
At least, they think the dreams are nightmares of Galataria's past.
For Shalin and Jendal on Earth, the dreams are peaceful and serene. A beauty in life they have never seen.
Dreams bring a bit of both worlds across the unrecognized bridge into the other.
Disaster builds on disaster. The Earth shakes and begins the process of opening the Rio Sea, where once a great ocean thrived.
As the shaking continues, Yellowstone awakes, blanketing much of the continent with ash, and inducing a multi-year winter and famine for those who survived the quakes, volcano, and societal unrest.
Competition and individuality lead to death. The rules have changed.
People and animals must adapt to a changed world, reliant on each other.
Specters of the ancestors awaken.
Regional middens are empty. Remnants of a demolished civilization can no longer sustain the local populations.
Forgotten dangers emerge from the remains of the pit mines.
Fears recited as unlikely campfire tales.
The future of the Pit Miners, and the communities beyond that they barely know exist, are at risk, from a submerged distant past, and the quarried present.