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Short Stories

Anticipated in Summer 2024

Euth Home to be published in A Thin Slice Of Anxiety.

Reprint previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

Molly's Second Chance to be published in The Sirens Call.

Reprint previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

First Published in Beyond Centauri in October 2010.


August 6, 2024

Gamma Zaria to be published in The Neurodiversiverse Anthology.

July 26, 2024

Nerissa's Legacy to be published in Academy of The Heart And Mind.

Reprint previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

June 28, 2024


Mines published on Writing In A Woman's Voice.

Reprint previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

June 7, 2024

A Fair Beginning to be published in Fragmented Voices.

Reprint previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

May 2024

Tin Lizzy published in Earth 2100 (Other Worlds Ink).

January 2024


The Gift published in Lorelei Signal.

Previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

Guinea Pigs published in Bards and Sages.

Previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

November 2023

Going Hunting published in Flora Fiction.

Previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

October 2023


Aldanian Geometry published in Alien Dimensions.

September 2023


Painted Paper published in Infinity Wanderers.

Reprint previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).

Originally published in Mirror Worlds (2019 as April D. Brown).

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