Kin Strife by Abby Brown
Recording the village elder's life stories should be routine.
Always on the outside of village life, looking in.
Terra's rocked babies, cooked meals, written memories.
Nothing more.
Until now.
Saving stories in a village of people lost between cultures interrupts her search for belonging. Their fragmented stream of life threatens all Terra knows of her own past, and future. She must tame the stream back into its banks to create a home she never dreamed existed.
Sales Locations
Ebook Price: $2.99
Paperback Price: $ 12.99
ISBN: 979-8809824378
33 Chapters
43,060 words
6 X 9 - Arial Size 12 - 173 pages
Kin Strife is also available on:
Indie Story Geek
Internet Archive and Open Library.
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Kin Strife Characters
Primary Characters:
Amanda Dianna
Grandfather Honaw
Little Rock (Logan)
Quotes from Kin Strife
"It can be fixed," Callie spoke from behind her. "Not sure why all the fuss. We always weave a flaw into our work. Striving too hard for perfection is something we should never do."
Callie shifted as she sat up on her knees to raise enough to clearly see the circle members. "Grandfather Honaw, much like a child I come, asking to try something new, to keep the ancient alive. Please, do not give up hope. I dream of a day, when those who have been lost and scattered, can return to the homes of their youth. Many will return with hearts that belong to these homes, though have never seen their true home, as they were scattered as leaves on the wind. Please help them who wish to return and find where their hearts belong be able to do so."
Callie: "They will find us in the great spider's web that has been created to reconnect the world. They will find the stories, the dreams, the hopes, and the beliefs where their true hearts belong. They will find us, and other villages, and return to them. Either in spirit, or in body, to rebuild that which has been lost. Please allow us to reach out to lost hearts and bring them home."
Keama: "Anywhere you sit has once been slept on, lived on, died on, and even given birth on. No place is better than another. Some are more comfortable."
Keama: "Time changes, cultures change. They want to move into the future, leaving the poverty they have always known behind. They want the past forgotten so that poverty is forgotten. They see no use for the cultural tidbits."
Keama: "She speaks, as this infant does. Della speaks in her own way. Everyone listens and responds. How do we not know if her form of communication isn't the better? Just because we can't understand, doesn't mean we can judge it."
Keama: "Della is silent for a reason. She teaches us to listen inside ourselves, with our souls."
"It is almost too neat, too perfect. The strands slip past one another and easily separate." She held it loosely now in her palm. The strands separated on their own. "You will face opposition like this. They only know one way of life. And that is all they see. Those who want us to fail have no plan either. They don't know what they want, though they think they do. You must find the way to unbind us from those who don't want to be here, and bind us to those who do."
Monty: "Is it? You, like me, are of mixed cultural backgrounds. One culture came in and pushed their ideas on the other. Should we allow a culture to die, and all their wisdom with them because they refuse to share it with us? What if they have cures, technology, or something else we could all benefit from, and it dies?"
Shanna reached for Terra's hands, and grasped them with the strength of someone who was used to being responsible. "They can't leave because someone they love is still here. The bitterness is tearing everyone apart. Would it be better if they left? For some, yes. For others, it would split mothers and fathers, leaving children with no idea why one parent abandoned them."
Shanna: "My sister is trapped, and cannot leave, for she would leave husband, father, and child. If she doesn't leave, she will break up more families by staying. She'll hurt more people. Will she do more damage than good to our culture, fragile as it is? She is my sister. However, I would be glad if she went to my mother's house. I would miss her. I cannot ask, or demand, she go."
Shanna: "What is broken cannot always be healed. What is healed may be re-broken."
Terra held out her arms to draw Amanda Dianna near. "Yes. The things that should be finished quickly must move at less than a snail's pace. While the things that don't matter when, or if, they are completed must be done instantaneously."
Cover Credits for Kin Strife
Cover Font:
Title - Chelsea Alternates Bold 60
Author - Chelsea Alternates Bold 24
Copy - Arial - 12
Front Cover: Desert pathway with logs. A fox, wolf, and two pups stare out at the reader. https://pixabay.com/photos/desert-path-beaten-path-dry-web-61075 by LoggaWiggler on Pixabay.
Red Fox: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/red-fox-animal-wildlife-fox-5687397 By maja7777 on Pixabay.
Wolf: https://pixabay.com/photos/wolf-carnivore-fur-animal-5693753 By maja7777 on Pixabay.
Puppies: https://pixabay.com/photos/dog-domestic-animal-isolated-animal-3863277 By maja7777 on Pixabay.
Back Cover: Desert canyon with bright blue sky. https://pixabay.com/photos/indian-creek-canyon-desert-sandstone-4003122/ By MikeGoad on Pixabay.
Published as Kin Strife by Abby Brown on October 15, 2021
Previously published as Crosswinds: Past, Present, and Future Combine by April D Brown in May 2014
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