Broccoli and Cauliflower - Vegetables - Allergy Free
Broccoli and cauliflower are commonly eaten together to offset each other. Before eating, cooking, or freezing, be sure and clean them well. Bugs like to hide in microscopic leaves.
Broccoli is tart next to the slightly sweet and tangy cauliflower. Green and white blend together, often with salt and pepper to add more flavor and texture. When eaten raw, they are crisp and crunchy, leaving a lingering odor in the nose and spicy flavor on the tongue. Once steamed, the texture, odor, and lingering taste are only slightly dampened. Fully cooked, the pieces separate, and are easy to break apart and eat. Their texture is soft and gentle with little lingering taste or odor.
While some people eat them raw, steamed, or sliced on a salad, others prefer them cooked.
Freezing broccoli and cauliflower together, or separate, helps break down some of the chemical reactions that can cause stomach bloating and pain. If those issues are a concern, cook them well before eating. After they are cooked, they can be frozen for later meals.

Photo Credit
Broccoli by Shutterbug75 on Pixabay

Baked Broccoli and Cauliflower
Boiled Broccoli and Cauliflower
Grilled Broccoli and Cauliflower
Raw Broccoli and Cauliflower
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