Cake - Allergy Free Desserts
Cake is one of the first things a person living gluten free misses. They no longer feel welcome at birthday parties, retirement parties, or weddings. If they do go, someone is sure to stick a piece of gluten filled cake under their nose and say, "A little won't hurt." Even those who make gluten and allergy free cakes at home have few choices. They can either pay to have all of the cake at the event be allergy free, go without, or bring an individual piece from home.
Some people who choose to make gluten free cake make their own flour mixes. Unless you eat a lot of cake, this isn't very practical.
There are now many excellent mixes on the market. Name brands have made their own mixes that people who can eat gluten can't tell apart from the gluten filled version.
Some mixes contain unusual flours, like xanthan gum, which may also be an allergen. Use caution, and listen to your body when you try them.
All cakes can be baked and frozen in individual pieces.
Basic Cake

Chocolate Cake

Pudding Cake

Strawberry Banana Pudding Cake

Strawberry Cake

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