Pudding - Allergy Free Desserts
The meaning of the word pudding has changed dramatically over the centuries. What we think of today as pudding would be an unknown to cooks from even a few generations ago.
Once, not so long ago, all pudding was cooked at home, and served warm. Memories of the smell and taste of fresh hot butterscotch pudding delights to this day. The taste is special. Instant pudding doesn't taste the same, or have the same texture.
Pudding may be a cake topping, or part of the cake recipe.
Hot pudding is delicious over ice cream.
These days, cook pudding is mostly used for creating specialty desserts, like banana pudding. Many living gluten free long gave up on treats like banana pudding. There is no need to give them up. A gluten free cookie recipe is available to create this summer treat.
For the lactose intolerant, soy or almond milk is an excellent choice. However, it requires a binder that is missing from plant based milks. Cornstarch resolves this issue. Without it, the pudding will remain runny.
Banana Pudding

Chocolate Pudding

Vanilla Pudding

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