Squash - Allergy Free Vegetables
There are many types of squash. Not all are good to eat. Most need to be baked or boiled to be edible. Some various types of edible squash include: acorn, banana, butternut, carnival, pumpkin, spaghetti, yellow, and zucchini.
Acorn, butternut, carnival, and spaghetti squash are available in stores. I have never tried to bake any of these, except for butternut. I didn't like the way it turned out, and never tried it again. Other than yellow squash, and zucchini, many squashes have an extremely hard shell. This can make them difficult to slice and prepare for baking.
Yellow squash and zucchini are two of the most versatile of squashes. They can be baked, boiled, diced in casseroles, grilled, or even made into breads.
Zucchini and yellow squash are relatively easy to grow in a home garden. They do spread and vine out across the ground, with lots of flowers that attract birds, butterflies, and bees.
Zucchini bread will not be covered. It can be challenging to make gluten free with limited vision and dexterity.
Note: There are zucchini bread recipes available on some gluten free flour mixes.

Baked Yellow Squash
Baked Zucchini
Boiled Yellow Squash
Grilled Yellow Squash
Squash and Green Bean Casserole
Boiled Zucchini
Grilled Zucchini
Squash and Meat Casserole
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