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Abby Brown
Oct 3, 2021
Kin Strife - Abby Brown
Saving stories in a village of people lost between cultures interrupts her search for belonging. Their fragmented stream of life threatens

Abby Brown
Mar 30, 2017
Mary Jemison (1743 - 1833) - Women's History
Among her adopted family, she had rights that would never be granted a woman in colonial society.

Abby Brown
Mar 16, 2017
Virginia Dare (1587 - ?) - Women's History
What happened to Virginia? The pioneering first European North American infant? No one really knows.

Abby Brown
Oct 31, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Finding Your Ancestors
No matter who your ancestors are, it can be difficult to find them. This is doubly true if you were adopted, whether you knew it or not. A

Abby Brown
Oct 28, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Reservations Present
Even after over 100 years, the land is not usually good for producing food. Families often live in over crowded situations, with limited

Abby Brown
Oct 27, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Federal/ Not Federally Recognized
The legal status of Native Americans is so complex, entire encyclopedia sets could be written about it. This article will mention a few spec

Abby Brown
Oct 26, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Indian Child Welfare Act - 1978
The year 1978 was the beginning of hope for Native Americans. Religious practices were no longer outlawed. They could begin to rebuild

Abby Brown
Oct 25, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Lost Lineages and Religions
search in vain for their ancestors. They feel something is missing. Even those who live on the reservations feel it there. Many generations

Abby Brown
Oct 24, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Lost Languages
The loss of a language may now sound like a big deal. Except, some concepts can only be explained in their original language.

Abby Brown
Oct 21, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Indian Adoption Project 1950's - 1960's
How many thousands from mixed cultural backgrounds who were not born on a reservation went, and continue, uncounted?
Only a few years ago,

Abby Brown
Oct 20, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Indian Boarding Schools
This wrong was only righted in 1978. And not fully finalized until 1994.

Abby Brown
Oct 19, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Reservations Past
However, the early days were even uglier than today on the reservations. Tribes were used to living mostly with other tribal members, and

Abby Brown
Oct 18, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Indian Removal
There is one officially named Indian Removal Act of 1830. However, there were many attempts over a period of 105 years beginning in 1802 wi

Abby Brown
Oct 17, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - John Ross
His story resonates in so many ways. His attempts to save the Cherokee as a nation were admirable. Even if he didn't always know all the a

Abby Brown
Oct 14, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Daily Life
They lived in nature, with nature, as a part of mature. Not separated from nature. They focused daily life around natural events.

Abby Brown
Oct 13, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Crafts and Stories
Today, many tribes prefer to keep them private. They don't want stories changed without their knowledge or permission. It's no longer a cas

Abby Brown
Oct 12, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Tools
Each tribe developed their own. Rather than racing through creating a tool, they took their time crafting it, planing for it to last for a

Abby Brown
Oct 11, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Transportation and Skills
Skills were not limited to the able-bodied. Even the disabled had skills that were valued.

Abby Brown
Oct 10, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Cooking and Food
Each tribe had their own way of cooking, as well as rituals surrounding the cooking process. Many tribes used pottery.

Abby Brown
Oct 7, 2016
Inspirational Native Americans - Clothing
In ancient times, clothing was dependent upon materials available in the location, and the weather extremes. The Inuit needed warmer clothi
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