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Abby Brown
Oct 8, 2021
Introducing Gail Brown
Gail Brown enjoys exploring science and how it affects our daily lives. If only she could remember a tenth of what she once knew, her novel

Abby Brown
Aug 31, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Marguerite Henry
All the animals are as alive and active with character as the children. Only some of the adults seem are less well developed. Then, again,

Abby Brown
Aug 30, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Kathryn Lasky
It holds a place near and dear to my heart. This series covers a time after humans are gone, and how animals live among the rotting ruin

Abby Brown
Aug 29, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Edward Eager
His stories are short, and intended for a very young audience. They are filled with adventure, and escapades at a time in history when the

Abby Brown
Aug 25, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Diane Duane
Her Young Magicians novels could sit well on the shelf next to Madeline L'Engle's Wrinkle in Time Series. They are a little more modern, an

Abby Brown
Aug 24, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Laura Ingalls Wilder
Laura Ingalls Wilder wrote the famous Little House books. Her writing allows a look at the tiny aspects of life in the times and places she

Abby Brown
Aug 23, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Jody Lynn Nye
Her work in these novels allowed the universe he created to continue after he was no longer able to write. Her stories are just as fun, pun

Abby Brown
Aug 22, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Robert Asprin
He takes terms, and turns then on their heads, and makes them spin, until they morph into something totally different, like Douglas Adams

Abby Brown
Aug 18, 2016
Inspirational Authors - She Who Must Not Be Named
Finally, a publisher agreed to publish her. If she used her initials instead of her name. That way, no one would realize she was female.

Abby Brown
Aug 17, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Madeleine L'Engle
Her novels touch on science, history, sociology, growing up, and magic. They are perfect for teens, and adults trying to re-find the magic

Abby Brown
Aug 16, 2016
Inspirational Authors - C. S. Lewis
Then, the society has to determine, through their belief system, what they should do to right the wrongs. Sometimes, the belief system

Abby Brown
Aug 11, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Terry Brooks
Over the following decades, I continued to read the Landover series. I picked up the Word and Void series as well.

Abby Brown
Aug 10, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Jean M. Auel
Jean M. Auel is inspirational in so many ways. She has taken history, pre-history, and science and created a world map that explores cultur

Abby Brown
Aug 9, 2016
Inspirational Authors - T A Barron
He writes the Merlin and Avalon series. Both of which allow readers to think in ways they never have before. In many ways, T A Barron's no

Abby Brown
Aug 8, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Piers Anthony
I more interestingly studied his Geodyssey series. This a series of five novels now, of which I have read four. Each novel picks a theme,

Abby Brown
Aug 5, 2016
Inspirational Authors – Charles Dickens
His novels were a rather bleak look into the underbelly of England during the time he lived. He wrote about many of societies ills, and how

Abby Brown
Aug 4, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Douglas Adams
Douglas Adams was a fascinating author to read. Having been a fan of biographies, history, and science books before reading any fiction.

Abby Brown
Aug 3, 2016
Inspirational Authors - J R R Tolkien
As the ring travelled from the beginning of Middle Earth, to the end of the tale, the stories of the lives we all know and hold dear

Abby Brown
Aug 2, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Louisa May Alcott
In many ways, her times parallel our own, as social upheaval, and women's rights were barely beginning to take hold. Women still had to wea

Abby Brown
Aug 1, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Mark Twain
Mark Twain was an inspiring author. 1835 - 1910 When he is portrayed in movies, his character tends to be a bit grumpy, and a victim of...
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