Abby BrownMar 23, 2017Women's HistorySacagawea (1788 - 1812) - Women's HistoryAccording to most sources, she gave birth to a daughter in 1812 and died. William Clark then adopted her two children, although the man who
Abby BrownMar 22, 2017Women's HistoryClaudia "Lady Bird" Johnson (1912 - 2007) - Women's HistoryHer work encouraged preserving the California Redwoods, rather than cutting them all down and turning them into furniture.
Abby BrownMar 8, 2017Women's HistoryClara Barton (1821 - 1921) - Women's HistoryTeaching wasn't enough. She sought to work for the federal government, though women had not been allowed to before that time.