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Braille Numbers

Writer: Abby BrownAbby Brown

Updated: Oct 11, 2024

Braille numbers are different than print numbers. They are actually a number sign followed by the first 10 letters.

As an adult learner, you recognize patterns of numbers, and they feel, and appear different in braille because of the extra symbols. There are times and places that just the letter symbol may stand in for the number, such as on a calendar.

This document is designed to help you recognize and read documents already written by others. It covers the alphabet, punctuation most often used with numbers, and various number examples, including simple time, dates, and phone numbers.

If you intend to write more complicated math in Braille, please research those Braille math rules through more indepth programs.

Just writing in a regular font and switching it to a braille font does not always work as intended, except through a braille display or screen reader program.

*** This has been copied from the text document. Braille symbols are only visible on the PDF document.


Braille numbers are created using a special symbol, L, before the first ten letter symbols.

Braille Letters used as numbers.

a b c d e f g h i j

The Number symbol is #.


#1 one 1 one - a

#2 two 2 two - b

#3 three 3 three - c

#4 four 4 four - d

#5 five 5 five - e

#6 six 6 six - f

#7 seven 7 seven - g

#8 eight 8 eight - h

#9 nine 9 nine - i

#0 zero 0 zero j

Various Number Examples








12/25/20 Calendar Date

May 2, 2020 Calendar Date

0000 000-000-0000 Phone

(000) 000-0000Phone

3:00 pm Time



Create your own pattern recognition options.

While some of the Braille symbols match, or resemble their print counterparts, others have no relationship, even though they could have been similar, or almost identical.

Money and Numbers

Create your own pattern recognition options.

`a at symbol @ at symbol

|C backslash \ backslash

`c cent cent

|T crosshatch # crosshatch

$ decimal point . decimal point

@Z division division

`s dollar sign $ dollar sign

|Z forward slash / forward slash

_" percent % percent

=t trademark trademark

Writing Punctuation

' apostrophe ' apostrophe

^ capital letter capital letter

, comma , comma

K colon : colon

=c copyright copyright

^M dash - dash

^^ double capital letter double capital letter

$$$ ellipses ... ellipses

! Exclamation mark ! exclamation mark

M hyphen - hyphen

=% paragraph paragraph

@A close parentheses ) close parentheses

@H open parentheses ( open parentheses

$ period . period

? Question mark ? question mark

=? open quote " open quote

=" close wuote " close quote

B semicolon ; semicolon

Braille Punctuation Changes

Sign Name

* Asterisk *

_ Dash - Long _

- Dash - Short -

. Decimal Point .

$ Dollar Sign $

... Ellipsis ...

) Parenthesis (Close) )

( Parenthesis (Open) (

% Percent %

" Quote Marks (Double Close) "

" Quote Marks (Double Open) "

' Quote Mark (Single Close) '

' Quote Mark (Single Open) '

] Square Brackets (Close) ]

[ Square Brackets (Open) [

Italics Rules

Sign Name

Italic Sign Double

Italic Sign Single

Italic Sign Symbol

Italic Word

Italic Passage

Italic Indicator

Braille Numbers

Various Braille Number Examples - time, date, money, phone numbers

Money And Numbers

Braille Number Punctuation Changes from EBAE to UEB

Writing Punctuation

BRaille Italic Rules


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