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Abby Brown
Jan 15
Water Works
Water Works (1,910 words) published in Kaleidoscope.
Reprint previously published in Concurrent Earths (2021).
Originally published in Mir

Abby Brown
Oct 19, 2021
Setting up the Kitchen - Allergy Free CookBook
Safety is the number one goal. Be sure counters, tables, and floors are germ, clutter, and pet free.

Abby Brown
Mar 10, 2017
Laura Dewey Bridgeman (1829 - 1889) - Women's History
Thanks to Laura Dewey Bridgeman, some people began to recognize that deafblind could be active members of society.

Abby Brown
Sep 30, 2016
Inspirational Scientists - Jen O'Keefe
It is her ability to include everyone when teaching science to her students. My blind friend, and her guide dog, weren't left out.

Abby Brown
Jun 26, 2016
Deafblind Awareness Week
What can deafblind people do?
Anything they want to. Or, maybe it should be, anything others allow them to. They can work almost any job.

Abby Brown
Oct 2, 2015
Braille Emergency Contact Lists Folder
This Emergency Contact Binder is extremely valuable. In fact, it could save your life, if you have your medical contact information in it.

Abby Brown
Sep 22, 2015
Braille Reading - EBAE to UEB
In 2016 EBAE (English Braille American Edition) Braille changed to UEB (Unified English Braille). Some Braille code changes were made.

Abby Brown
Sep 21, 2015
Braille Reading System
Braille is a touch based reading system. Which can be complicated for those who have two or more decades of visual reading.

Abby Brown
Sep 20, 2015
Braille Differences and Similarities to Print Reading
No need to jump in the deep end.
Dip your fingers into the Braille pool and learn to swim through brailled text.

Abby Brown
Sep 19, 2015
Introduction to Usher Syndrome
There may be many undiagnosed cases among adults who did not know that their vision and hearing loss are connected. In previous generations,

Abby Brown
Sep 18, 2015
Molly Watt – Usher Awareness
Many of my followers may wonder Usher Syndrome is. For a more indepth description, check back Saturday, September 19th! For now: It is a m
Abby Brown
Sep 16, 2015
Angela Ackerman – One Stop for Writers (and the Deafblind)
Why is color so important?
For a person who has never had vision, this gives them an opportunity to learn everything they can about what so
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