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Abby Brown
Aug 16, 2016
Inspirational Authors - C. S. Lewis
Then, the society has to determine, through their belief system, what they should do to right the wrongs. Sometimes, the belief system

Abby Brown
Aug 11, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Terry Brooks
Over the following decades, I continued to read the Landover series. I picked up the Word and Void series as well.

Abby Brown
Aug 9, 2016
Inspirational Authors - T A Barron
He writes the Merlin and Avalon series. Both of which allow readers to think in ways they never have before. In many ways, T A Barron's no

Abby Brown
Aug 8, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Piers Anthony
I more interestingly studied his Geodyssey series. This a series of five novels now, of which I have read four. Each novel picks a theme,

Abby Brown
Aug 4, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Douglas Adams
Douglas Adams was a fascinating author to read. Having been a fan of biographies, history, and science books before reading any fiction.

Abby Brown
Aug 3, 2016
Inspirational Authors - J R R Tolkien
As the ring travelled from the beginning of Middle Earth, to the end of the tale, the stories of the lives we all know and hold dear
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