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Abby Brown
Sep 30, 2016
Inspirational Scientists - Jen O'Keefe
It is her ability to include everyone when teaching science to her students. My blind friend, and her guide dog, weren't left out.

Abby Brown
Sep 28, 2016
Inspirational Scientists - Garry Hayes
Garry Hayes posted a magnificent blog series that included many places I could only dream of visiting.

Abby Brown
Sep 27, 2016
Inspirational Scientists - Chris Rowan
He studies plate movements and magnetism within the rocks. He studies plate tectonics, and natural hazards as they have occurred over thous

Abby Brown
Sep 23, 2016
Inspirational Scientists - Dr. Rebecca Williams
I've read various blogs about her studies into volcanoes and pyroclastic flows. Pyroclastic flows are deadly, like in Pompeii.

Abby Brown
Sep 22, 2016
Inspirational Scientists - Ron Schott
Hopefully, I can make others feel they can study and contribute to the future of scientific knowledge.

Abby Brown
Sep 21, 2016
Inspirational Scientists - Simon Winchester
These books, especially the last one, portray life during specific events. These aspects may not be pretty. They bring out the little poin

Abby Brown
Sep 20, 2016
Inspirational Scientists - Charles F Richter and Giuseppe Mercalli
Giuseppe Mercalli combined earthquake intensity scales to develop his own that came to be known as the Mercalli Scale. Later, Charles F Ric
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