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Abby Brown
Jan 31, 2024
The Gift published in Lorelei Signal
The Gift is a short story related to Gifts Received.
This short story could have happened on Earth, or a similar to Earth environment. It

Abby Brown
Aug 29, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Edward Eager
His stories are short, and intended for a very young audience. They are filled with adventure, and escapades at a time in history when the

Abby Brown
Aug 23, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Jody Lynn Nye
Her work in these novels allowed the universe he created to continue after he was no longer able to write. Her stories are just as fun, pun

Abby Brown
Aug 22, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Robert Asprin
He takes terms, and turns then on their heads, and makes them spin, until they morph into something totally different, like Douglas Adams

Abby Brown
Aug 18, 2016
Inspirational Authors - She Who Must Not Be Named
Finally, a publisher agreed to publish her. If she used her initials instead of her name. That way, no one would realize she was female.

Abby Brown
Aug 17, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Madeleine L'Engle
Her novels touch on science, history, sociology, growing up, and magic. They are perfect for teens, and adults trying to re-find the magic

Abby Brown
Aug 11, 2016
Inspirational Authors - Terry Brooks
Over the following decades, I continued to read the Landover series. I picked up the Word and Void series as well.

Abby Brown
Aug 9, 2016
Inspirational Authors - T A Barron
He writes the Merlin and Avalon series. Both of which allow readers to think in ways they never have before. In many ways, T A Barron's no

Abby Brown
Aug 3, 2016
Inspirational Authors - J R R Tolkien
As the ring travelled from the beginning of Middle Earth, to the end of the tale, the stories of the lives we all know and hold dear
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