Corn is an ancient vegetable grain. It grows like a grain and has some of the vitamins and minerals of a vegetable. By itself, it is lacking many vital nutrients. In regions where corn was originally one of the primary foods, people suffered from malnutrition if they did not eat a variety of other vegetables and meats as well.
In modern times, corn is used in nearly everything. It is made into meal or flour to replace wheat in many dishes. A controversial sweetener created from corn is now used in food and drinks. Corn has been fed to animals that would normally eat grass and various other vegetation. It has also been turned into a source of energy for vehicles. Corn has a tremendous cost to the environment due the fertilizers and pesticides used on it, that wash into local rivers, and disrupt the river life cycle.
Corn can be easily grown in a backyard garden in a few rows, or a circle. Some grow into colorful ears, while others are best for roasting, or popping.