Broccoli is generally considered one of the super foods in vegetables. Some say it is an acquired taste. Others like broccoli far better than broccoli likes them. Even people who don't generally like, or even tolerate broccoli, will usually eat casseroles or soups that include it in small amounts.
While symptoms may differ, an iron like taste in the mouth can develop after eating it. Extreme stomach pain and visible bloating may occur. It can last for many hours. If this happens, do not eat raw or steamed broccoli. Do not eat broccoli at a restaurant where you cannot verify it is fully cooked.
Cooking broccoli helps prevent the pain and bloating. Eating it on a full stomach, in small amounts, and no more than a partial serving several days apart, may prevent pain. For others, it can no longer be tolerated regardless.
Growing broccoli is relatively easy. It is fun to watch grow, and though a little tough to cut the stalks off, they will continue to regenerate the rest of the growing season.