Hamburgers on the grill, often beside steak, chicken, and hot dogs. Turkey or beef burgers grill equally well. If enough food is grilled at one time, it will fill the fridge with meals for a week. Most vegetables can be grilled easily in a grill safe aluminum pan or a foil packet. Baked beans, squash, and green beans are the easiest grill vegetables. Corn on the cob isn't as easy because it takes longer than the meat to cook. Sometimes, foil packets are placed directly on the coals. However, they can catch fire as grease, butter, or water drip out.
Pre Cook Preparation:
Marinate: Optional, in barbecue sauce
A. Timer set to thaw meat for about 2 hours
B. Timer set to the time to begin preparation prior to cooking
C. Timer set for when meal should be ready to eat, based on cooking method
Meal Adaptations:
Physical Accommodations:
Long oven mitts
Frozen or canned vegetables can be used
Sit on a stool while preparing food
Visual Accommodations:
Contrasting colors and textures for pans and grill setup
Potential Food Allergy or Intolerance:
Bacon Bits
Breads (gluten)
Meatless Preparation Avoid:
Bacon bits
Substitute with: ________________
Mixing bowl
Wooden spoon
Aluminum foil with holes, or
* Aluminum foil packets
* To make the packet, tear off a large piece of foil, place the vegetable on one half, and add a dash of salt and butter. Fold the foil in half. Crimp the side by folding them over two to three times. Do the same with the top. Add holes with a toothpick, or a fork, to let heat in and liquid escape. Potato slices, onions, baked beans, corn, and squash can be cooked this way.
Meat: Choose 2 pounds of:
Beef burger, or
Turkey burger
1 to 2 eggs
1/8 cup of bacon bits
1/2 pounds of sausage
15 ounces of corn
15 ounces of baked beans
1/4 cup of onions
15 ounces of potatoes
15 ounces of squash
4 ounces of mushrooms
Other ingredients:
Dash of salt
Spices such as pepper, to taste
Preparation time: 15 minutes. 30 minutes if making fries.
1. Slice:
1/4 cup of onions
15 ounces of potatoes
15 ounces of squash
2. Place vegetables in oven safe pans: *
15 ounces of baked beans
15 ounces of corn
15 ounces of potatoes
15 ounces of squash
3. Place in oven on 350 degrees for 1 hour.
* For the grill, place each vegetable individually in aluminum foil packets.
1. Mix burger with:
2 to 3 eggs
Dash of salt
1/8 cup of bacon bits
4 ounces of mushrooms
1/4 cup of onions
1/2 pound of sausage
2. Place burgers in grill safe aluminum foil pan.
Cook Temperature: 350 degrees for oven
Cook Time:
Oven: 20 minutes
Grill: Until done
Servings: 6 to 8 burgers
Storage Solutions: Square containers in individual servings with or without vegetables
Counter safe: 30 minutes to an hour to cool enough to place in the fridge or freezer
Fridge safe: 3 to 4 days * Per FDA Storage Chart link in Resources
Freezer safe: 2 to 3 months * Per FDA Storage Chart link in Resources
Reheat Instructions:
Microwave: Time and temp may vary.
1. Place in a microwave safe dish (not plastic).
2. Heat until food is fully hot and reaches a safe temperature.
3. Minimum 2 minutes.
Add your microwave time here: _____________.
Stove Top: Time and Temp may vary.
1. Place food in frying pan.
2. Add enough water to almost cover food.
3. Stir frequently while food heats, until thoroughly warm, about 10 minutes.
Add your stove time here: _____________.
Oven Directions: Time and Temp may vary.
1. Place in oven safe pan.
2. Add a little water.
3. Stir frequently while food heats, until thoroughly warm, about 20 minutes.
Add your oven time here: _____________.